Our Beloved Pastor Russ

It is with great sadness that we must announce the passing of our brother and beloved Pastor, Russell Sterger, after a 4-year battle with cancer. We rejoice that Russ held on to the hope of eternal life that is promised to those who believe in Jesus Christ. He was 63. 

Pastor Russ served the Lord faithfully and impacted many lives across the globe. He traveled to various mission field endeavors through the years, but has impacted the most lives here at his home in Vineland, where he served faithfully at Calvary Chapel Vineland. He was the Associate Pastor for 21 years, as well as our drama director, administrator, counselor, brother and friend to so many. 

We will deeply miss Pastor Russ and the influence he had in each of our lives. He leaves a great hole in our hearts, but we are comforted by the truth that he is no longer suffering, that he is in glory with our King and that we will see him again.

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